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Patient Review – Mary Margaret S., Chicago, IL

Patient Review – Mary Margaret S., Chicago, IL

A co-worker of mine put it best, in regards to oral surgery: no matter how far we progress as a society, with our technology, dentistry is still so primal, so caveman. Breaking bones and cracking teeth. It’s the only thing that hasn’t evolved.

Now, while I was out for the cavemen practices, the rest of the experience was wonderful. You walk into Ora and it feels like a spa. My husband and i just bought a new house and I was actually getting tiling ideas from the place. The consultation with Dr. Koos put me at ease, and the day of surgery, he and his staff quickly calmed me down. SItting in the OR (which had great natural-type lighting overhead, covered with a photo of trees so you felt like you were looking up at a sky light), a nurse came in to talk to me and asked me what music I liked. They had Tom Petty on the iPod. Lots of points. Dr. Koos came in and joked with me a bit, explained what he was doing and then I woke up again. I don’t remember falling asleep. We were talking and then I was awake. The extraction itself only took about 25 minutes. They led me to a nice recovery room where I met my husband, and they told him about after-care as I was still sort of loopy. The first few hours were a bit painful, but nothing like what I’d expected. They even have a back door to loopy people to exit, so you don’t have a whole waiting room watching you drool blood.

Today is the only the day after, and the meds are taking the edge off, and I have really minimal swelling. Dr. Koos will make a pretty awful experience stress-free. He was wonderful.

EDIT: I ended up developing an infection three days after surgery and was in such extreme pain. I also had a reaction to the Vicodin. My husband called Dr Koos and he got me that day to clean out the area and help out. After that, we heard from him each day to make sure I was on the mend. Awesome, awesome.

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