Can Dental Implants Secure an Existing Denture?
If you are living with full or partial dentures, then you surely understand the inherent challenges. How much “denture glue” will you need to secure your teeth? Will anyone notice the embarrassing clicking sound when you speak and chew? Will you be able to chew the foods that you want throughout the day? Once you remove your dentures for cleaning and maintenance, what’s the best way to remove the denture glue from your tender gums?
Fortunately, Drs. Steven Koos DDS, MD and Brian Shah DDS, MD, your downtown Chicago oral & maxillofacial surgeons, offer an effective, long-term solution for stabilizing your teeth. By anchoring a series of dental implants to the underlying bone, your oral surgeon can create a sturdy foundation to which your denture can be securely attached.
A denture that snaps onto dental implants becomes immediately stable, and the procedure offers tremendous benefits. It is a well-known fact that dental implants prevent the loss of your natural bone. Whereas a traditional denture will need to be constantly adjusted in response to ongoing bone loss, the presence of dental implants will ensure that few adjustments are required.
In fact, the fit and performance of an implant-supported denture is so predictable, denture pastes and glues will be completely unnecessary. You will enjoy the freedom of eating the foods that you want while never having to scrape denture adhesive from your gums again.
The procedure for integrating dentures and dental implants is completely customizable. If possible, your existing denture can be modified to snap onto your new dental implant attachments. If your oral surgeon is unable to alter your existing denture, a new denture will need to be fabricated with the proper attachments by your dentist and a dental lab in Chicago.
To determine the details of the procedure that will be best for you, a full consultation will be necessary. During your initial visit, your existing denture can be evaluated and your medical history will be reviewed in order to ensure that you are indeed a candidate for the implant denture procedure.
To find out how your denture experience can be enhanced, call ORA® Oral Surgery & Implant Studio off of Michigan Avenue in Chicago’s Loop to schedule your implant consultation today.